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Research reveals that  of global business travellers expect to feel positively about their next business trip after the COVID outbreak New research commissioned by the SAP Concur org...
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While percent of global business travellers are willing to travel for business over the next months addressing their demands for flexibility may prove essential for companies longt...
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While the effects of the pandemic continued to be felt across the globe in SAP Concur is optimistic the new year will bring innovation and progress as we embark on the next chapter ...
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Examining the five stages of travel and expense program maturity The pandemic didnt tap you on the shoulder and whisper Hey you should really think about updating your legacy travel ...
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Significant travel and expense management market developments that snuck up on everyone while we were otherwise occupied File this one under the its no ones fault category When the p...
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What to look for when looking for a travel and expense management solution It isnt about the money okay its about the money but in this case its about more than the money Any tool ca...
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A few years ago we published a whitepaper entitled The Robots are Coming It garnered significant attention because while it was about the advancement of artificial intelligence AI an...
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There has been a widespread trend of employees quitting their jobs during the COVID pandemic Known as the Great Resignation research shows this trend may accelerate across Canada rai...
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Creating a resilient business is an ever-evolving process. So here are some best practices to follow, particularly when you have no spend to waste.
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Curious about how leading finance teams are using AI to better control costs and mitigate risks in the new world of work Or perhaps youre wondering whether AI is merely the latest fi...
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