Travel Policy Template

female business traveler standing outside of car looking at phone

Guidelines for Effective Business Travel Management

Business travel is on the rise, and while there are a few new norms and the same old challenges (as well as residuals from the pandemic paradigm shift), there are some silver linings. 

  • Sustainability has become an operational imperative for companies, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is gaining momentum.  

  • Risk management now includes an all-important focus on employee health and wellbeing.  

  • Travel and expense programs are becoming more flexible, as employee demands force changes to policies and processes.  

And in all this, the changing travel management mindset cannot be underscored. The challenges of the last few years have opened into clear, new opportunities to improve and future proof your travel and expense programs – adding greater strategic value to your company and increasing employee satisfaction.  

While most companies have travel and expense guidelines, they may be informal – especially at smaller firms – or not always strictly enforced. And even if you do have formalized travel procedures, the underlying policies behind them may need a refresh. 

Whether you’re making updates to your travel policy, or starting from scratch, Download this template for tips on writing travel policy.